Knowledge is the first and most important step in protecting your company and preventing internal threats. Discover the sensitive dataflow with a deep content inspection and get a quick overview of all activities in your company. Analyze internal risks and understand what is happening on any platform in real-time.
Detect hidden security threats, quickly and easily
Get insight into regulatory compliance incidents in your company
Get insight into regulatory compliance incidents in your company
Get powerful reports about your company perimeter
Objectively analyze activities in your environment
Determine if your company equipment and network is being properly used
Eliminate unnecessary and expensive software, hardware and cloud services
Safetica Discovery is easy to use, with fast results
Fast results with no entry knowledge are the core of the Safetica Discovery approach. Deploy security audit in just one hour, and receive your first results on the first day. No extra IT costs are needed. Safetica can run on the cloud or be virtualized in your environment. One-click integration with Office 365 offers powerful security reports even in hybrid environments, in real-time, no matter
which platform you are running on.
Key benefits of Safetica Discovery
- Easy-to-read management reports
- Multiplatform support, even for terminal servers
- Simple integration with Office 365
- Privacy-driven activity overview (webs and apps)
- Immediate notifications delivered to your inbox
- File content inspection with pre-defined templates
- Easy to upgrade to the full-suite security platform